Tuesday, February 5


I'm getting sick (yuck). There's a couple funny (funny as in different from Canada) things in Japan about being sick! One is the masks - when someone has a cold or is coughing, etc, they wear a mask, similar to a dentist's. Everywhere you go (trains, supermarkets, shopping malls) there are people wearing these white masks. My boss was wearing one when he picked me up at the airport, and I couldn't figure it out! I wondered if it was because I smelled funny (11 hours on a plane might do that to you), or if he was sick, or if it was to shield him from pollution! I finally asked Satomi a couple days later and she told me. The second funny thing is the washclothes. It really makes more sense than Canada's methods, I think. If someone is sneezing a lot or has a runny nose, they carry a washcloth with them and sneeze into it or wipe their nose with it. In Canada, I suppose we do this but with Kleenex - a washcloth seems like a more comfortable and efficient solution. I'm getting sick (not sick enough to warrant a mask or a washcloth), but I don't think I'd participate if I do get that sick. I was also told that highschool-age kids are starting to rebel against traditions and not wear masks...so maybe I'll go with the rebellious group! :)


Monson said...

Hmmm... I'm getting sick too. I bet I got it from you because you're 'too cool' to wear a mask!

canadasue said...

aren't some of those little washcloths fun... every sort of style to suit every sort of taste...

as I read your post I was reminded of "Hello Kitty"'s friend "Batz Maru" a mischievous little penguin...
I can't imagine you being more rebellious than him... sans white mask!

Kaitlin said...

viva la revolution!!!!!! i love you hun